Mar 21, 2013

Horror Frog Breaks Own Body to Generate Claws

 Amphibian horror isn't a movie type, but on this proof perhaps it should be. Harvard biologists have described a strange, hairy frog with cat-like extendable claws.

Trichobatrachus robustus vigorously breaks its own bones to produce claws that puncture their way out of the frog's toe pads, most likely when it is threatened.

David Blackburn and colleagues at Harvard University's Museum, think the ghastly behavior is a defense mechanism.

Some other frogs have scrawny spines that assignment from their wrist, but in those classes it appears that the bones grow through the skin rather than pierce it when needed for defense.

The researchers state there are salamanders that strength their ribs through their skin to produce protective barbs on demand, but nothing quite like this mechanism has been seen before.

The characteristic is also found in nine of the 11 frogs belonging to the Astylosternus genus, most of which live in Cameroon.

Mar 4, 2013

Amazing Magnetic Boy and his Talents

While the Internet was still abuzz with chatter about the Jerusalem UFO, another weird mystery emerged in February, from the state of Serbia. A seven-year-old boy named Bogdan made international news for his mystic ability to be magnetic.

According to MSNBC, household objects such as spoons, knives, and forks stuck to his skin with almost paranormal ease. Even stranger, other things stuck to him too, such as small plates and small flat glass things. It was quite an unexplained mystery until it was pointed out that whatever made the items to attach Bogdan's bare skin, it was not magnetism, since many of the times were non-metallic. The mysterious capability was in fact due to simple skin friction.

Feb 20, 2013

Do You Know about Evil Spot in the Brain?

A German neurologist believes he has pinpointed the area of the brain dependable for violent behavior. Professor Gerhard Roth performed a number of experiments in an effort to determine if there was an exact part of the brain responsible for the types of behavior exhibited by criminals such as thieves, rapists and murderers. We can measure the brain movement of known offenders while showing them few videos.

When there were brutal and squalid scenes, the subjects showed no emotions. In the areas of the brain where we create compassion and sorrow, nothing happened. This is definitely the area of the brain where evil is shaped and where it lurks and where it lurks.After studying the brains of violent killers, rapists and robbers, German neurologist Gerhard Roth claims to have found a dark patch in the center of the intelligence.

Jan 22, 2013

A Mysterious Space of Light North Dakota Dark

Wow! Strange and marvelous. Just make a look at this map of America at night. As you'd anticipate, the cities are blazing, the Great Lakes and the oceans dark, but if you look at the center, where the Eastern lights give way to the unfilled Western plains, there's a mysterious bunch of light there that makes wonder.

It's a slight to the left, high up near the Canadian edge. Now run your eye up that line of lights at the center of the country, look over to the upper left: There's a bit that looks like a big city but there is no big city in that part of North Dakota. There's mostly lawn. 

And North Dakota, on several nights, is almost as intense as the aurora borealis. Looking down from the International Space location, those lights are the North Dakota oil fields. The green curve, of course, is the aurora.

Oct 11, 2012

Ghosts, Are you there?

For centuries, and perchance still from the beginning of evolved human existence we have believed in life behind death, surviving to enter heaven, hell or purgatory, or as some believe, destined to stay on earth in ghostly form, without a physical body, lingering the house they grew up in, or the site they were murdered. From the Shakespeare play MacBeth to the NBC show "Medium," spirits of the dead have long made a look in our culture and tradition.

While science still cannot determine whether or not ghosts exist, there has been a huge amount of research done in recent years by paranormal investigators. The most common belief among these investigators is that ghosts do exist, either in intelligent spirit form or as more of a “tape recording”, called a residual lingering by those in the field.  

Although ultimate proof for the survival of ghosts remains elusive, sincere eyewitnesses continue to report seeing, photographing, and even communicating with ghosts. Ghost investigators expect to one day prove that the dead can contact the living, providing a final respond to the mystery.

Aug 10, 2012

Holy Sock: Face of Jesus

Sarah Crane, 38, supposed she was stunned when she saw a bearded man staring back at her from the laundry line. Her boyfriend agreed the wrinkled grey "holy sock" bore an uncanny likeness to the traditional image of Christ, and the couple took photographs to show their friends. They even talked about creating a shrine to the sock but then the face was lost when they moved it. 

Miss Crane, from Orpington, Kent, said: I'd left the washing out to dry overnight - and it had probably been sitting there a bit too long when I noticed the face in the sock. I called my boyfriend over straight away - we could both clearly see the face of Jesus in the sock. I immediately took some pictures to show our family and friends - they all thought it was hilarious. 

We think it's a bit of a sign - but for what we don't know. We thought it would be good to make a little shrine for it - but unfortunately, when we moved it, the creases fell out a bit and the face isn't quite as clear now. But you can still just about make out his face. Unfortunately, it's not quite good enough to donate to our local church, but our friends have all been round to see it. The sock is the latest in a series of everyday objects on which people have claimed to seen Jesus.

Jul 6, 2012

Mystery of Mary Celeste,Ghost Ship

During her maiden voyage, the then Amazon seemed to want to indicate the ship’s “ghostly” pretention when the Amazon’s captain putrefied throughout the inaugural voyage. The ship was salvaged by an American company that shortly renamed her Mary Celeste.

The Mary Celeste was an American brigantine merchant ship famous for having been discovered on 4 December 1872 in the Atlantic Ocean, unmanned and apparently abandoned although the weather was fine and her crew had been experienced and capable seamen.
The ship was not faultily damaged and still seaworthy even though the compass was damaged. The marine chronometer and the sextant were missing. Most particularly, the Captain Benjamin Briggs, his family and seven more crewmembers were all missing as well. In spite of being a capable and experienced crew the only living soul found onboard was a cat.

Jun 22, 2012

Visitors of Our Planets: Aliens

Have we been visited by Aliens? This is unique a question that has been asked again and over again. The most popular mysteries, celebrated in books, film and television is the assumption of aliens. Whether or not extraterrestrials have visited our planet is a query whose respond is the life’s work of few researchers. The thought of aliens has captured the imaginations of some and put terror into the hearts of others.

Dr Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14 became the sixth man to walk on the Moon in 1971. His views on space, aliens and our planet are compelling and unique. Since 1947, when an alien spacecraft apparently crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, aliens have been part of popular society.

However, there are also theories going back thousands of years of spacecraft and alien visitors coming to our planet, including depictions of what looks apprehensively like a flying saucer depicted in a lot of untimely drawings. The proof for aliens having visited us is compelling but every person will have to make up their own mind.

The Out of Body Experience: An Unexplained Mystery

An Out of Body Experience is your consciousness being transferred beyond your physical body. So, is this proof of the spirit? The afterlife? Alternate dimensions? Alas, not quite. To trigger yourself, focus indoors and cut physically off from your awareness of the outside world.

Very rapidly, your mind begins to create new stimulus of its own. We call these thoughts. Usually imaginings are reserved for sleep, but as logical dreamers identify, it is probable to scam the body into sleep while enduring conscious of these hallucinations.
Out of body explorers have long tried to prove this by trying to acquire data from diverse locations even as in the out of body shape. Unhappily nothing truly definitive has been recorded under demonstrable circumstances. But science does not recognize coincidence or top guesses as evidence. That actually would get us nowhere in the grand scheme of things.

Jun 8, 2012

Magical Mysteries: Wendy McMurdo at the spot portico

A sequence of current, digitally created images by Wendy McMurdo marks the launch of the Site Gallery in Sheffield. When one walks around the space, the traditional wall based images come out to be a chain of black and white photographs.

Generally speaking, there are two formal strands to the work. They propose similar meanings but with dissimilar emphases. A slightly different accent is explored in McMurdo's other strand of work, described in the catalogue as "children in the scenery.

The real power of this exhibition lies in McMurdo's capability to create work that is neither dry conceptualism nor the expression of an impassable personal language.

Approximately every image manages to focus unusual aspects of the ongoing debate neighboring art production as we crawl toward the Millennium.