Jul 15, 2010

Scariest Predictions for Our Planet

THE EARTH WOBBLES as it rotates on its axis. At least it used to. As of January 8, 2006, the wobbling has stopped, according to earth changes researcher Michael Mandeville. What will the effects be? No one knows. May be nothing. But this startling anomaly reminds us of some of the radical geophysical changes that have been predicted for our beautiful little planet by prophets, prognosticators and even a few scientists. They’re not very pleasant, and I’ll leave it up to you how seriously you want to take them.

It has long been known that the Earth’s magnetic pole is not stationary – it wanders around. It also reverses. Scientific research has shown that the magnetic poles switch places every few hundred thousands of years. More radical thinkers, however, say that the Earth’s physical poles have shifted significantly in the past – and will so again.

They contend that the planet’s crust floats on the liquid magma beneath, like the loose skin on an orange, and can slip position. In a pole shift, Antarctica, for example, could be on the new equator and the Amazon frozen on the new South Pole. Prophets Edgar Cayce and Ruth Montgomery foresaw such a pole shift. And this change can happen, according to Professor, Charles H. Hapgood, not over hundreds of thousands of years, but within days! The effects, as you can imagine, would be catastrophic for human civilization.

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